Final Project ConceptualizationAs a storyteller and writer it is important for me to create an emotive and genuine experience for the users who play the games that we…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
A Homework Analysis on A Thousand Tiny Tales: Emergent Storytelling in Slime RancherEmergent Gameplay is always fun, what comes to mind at first is always Monster Hunter world and how the monsters that you hunt there can…Nov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
The Drunk Project, In ProgressFor the Drunk Project that Mariya and I(Monika)are on, we’ve spent about 5 hours on 3D models. Having been working together for weeks now…Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
Unity 2D Side-Scroller WorkMaking a Unity 2D side-scroller with Bolt was…difficult. There aren’t enough tutorials online on how to make a “you win” or a “GAME OVER”…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
The Wine Trip ProjectThis is the Very First Unity Build for the Wine Trip Project- An adventure of a small boy who got lost, ended up in a cellar and got drunk…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Core Game-play: The Drunk ExperienceSo far, for our project , Maria and I have created a story: a teenager stumbled upon a large underground cellar and decided to drink quite…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
The Future of 2D Gaming, A ReviewAh, my childhood. It started with Nintendo, and it started with the series of Sonic games. Back when I was 9 or so, I didn’t know anything…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Video Game AnglesPerspectives are always important when playing a video game. The choice of camera that the developer makes will directly influence the…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Foodie Pinball 2.0An exciting retro fantasy to bring some simple brightness and happiness back to life…with food.Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
Fruity Pinball?An exciting retro fantasy to bring some simple brightness and happiness back to life…with food.Oct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020