Unity 2D Side-Scroller Work

Monika Yosifova
Oct 28, 2020

Making a Unity 2D side-scroller with Bolt was…difficult. There aren’t enough tutorials online on how to make a “you win” or a “GAME OVER” screen that works. I’m disappointed and find that there are a lot of things to fix. I can only learn from my mistakes and try not to use Bolt and rather proper coding. This would make it easier for me and the professors trying to help me.

Things I could visibly improve on:

  • Adding a “Game Over” screen when the player falls off of the screen and a “You win!” Screen whenever the player touches the flame at the end of the screen
  • Fixing the Jump Animation and making it so the player can only jump twice at a time (double-jump)
  • Adding a way for the players to be unable to see the end of the tiles.
  • Adding a “hurt” animation for the character when she touches the spikes or the frog which leads to Game Over.
  • The Little red-head’s foot clips into the tiles due to an animation problem I couldn’t find.

I’m very aware of my problems but I didn’t have the knowledge to fix them and I will do better.

